Thursday, April 25, 2013


The feathers and leaves in this photo are a good example of line, texture and pattern.

This statue, at Mount Mitchill Overlook Park in New Jersey, is commemorating the people from Monmouth County that were killed on 9/11.  I chose this image as an example of foreground-background relationship because in the background you can see the new WTC being constructed.
I chose this image as an example of abstraction.  It's the same WTC  memorial but the perspective has changed from a wide shot to a close-up of the talons which are clutching a piece of twisted steel recovered from Ground Zero.

This image uses the monkey bars to frame and mirror the shape the sun while adding pattern as well.

The tennis ball in the final image is clear point of interest, while the lines, texture and pattern of the bench help to draw your attention to the ball.